Grades 9-12 Student Racing Challenge
The More You Know... The Faster You Go!
Available spots
Service Description
The LRTC Student Racing Challenge (9th-12th Grade) is a STEM-focused summer camp developed for local high school students to experience science, technology, engineering, and math. Over the week of July 21st, students apply STEM concepts to develop – and ultimately race – a fully operational, radio-controlled (RC) car. The RC car can be setup in over 14 million ways without re-engineering a single part! Students engage in race engineering concepts with lessons focusing on energy, electricity, and laws of motion. Students also learn to use simple tools and instruments. All concepts converge on Race Day Friday! The LRTC Student Racing Challenge is happening at the Litchfield Regional Training Center (LRTC) this summer! We are located at 181 Simpson Drive, Litchfield, Michigan 49252. Tuition for the LRTC Student Racing Challenge Summer Camp is only $50 for the entire camp – lunch & snacks (and race team t-shirt) provided! Questions? Please contact Matt Norris (517) 877-2490 or Annette Sands (517) 437-3200 with questions about signing up or course content.

Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
181 Simpson Drive, Litchfield, MI, USA
(517) 877-2490